Really bad night
Oh, my what a horrible night I had. Anyone that has had Fibromyalgia as long as I have has probably not checked out the symptoms for a long time, either. I had been having more and more problems with sleep, which makes you more tired and makes you hurt more. And then the burning sensations started in. Last night I got absolutely no sleep and it wasn't because my Hawks won their play off game! I tried sleeping on everything we had you could sleep on and nothing worked. So I look like death warmed over this morning. So this morning I looked at all the symptoms again and....well, that was everything I had, aches, burning, headache, fatigue, sleep deprivation. In the middle of the night I had made up my mind I was going to go to the Dr. but then remembered what I read in the paper about all the flu so I decided I didn't want to go to the Dr. and get sick! I know what the problem is again and will deal with it. I will have to go back on the medication I had been on for many, many years. I didn't want to because it makes your balance, etc. off but since I only took it at night I can handle it.
We broke down and ordered a new mattress this morning. I couldn't sleep on the harder mattress and my hubby couldn't sleep on the softer one so we had to go with the Sleep Number or twin beds and I am not going to twin beds! We will have our 60th wedding anniversary in April and have always slept together and that ain't changing!
I am so pleased the Seahawks won last night. They have had so many injuries this year it has been tough on the team, the coach and the fans.
Well, I am gonna go see if I can take a little nap.
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