
Sunshiny Wednesday!

Kittens and Bunnies

Thought I would pop in and write a bit on my blog. Just finished an Angry Birds theme for Brand Thunder and sent it in, so am waiting to see if it was all right. It was pretty simple so didn't take me long. I see the Kanye West theme they asked me to make is on line now, so if you use Chrome and are interested in that, here it is. 

I don't use Chrome so I have no idea what they look like once they are used.

Hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day. Ours was pretty quiet since the weather didn't let us do what we had planned. Our family had planned on going up into the mountains for a wiener roast, but the weather was too wet and chilly. Seems like most Memorial Days are like that here. When we used to camp out every holiday on this side of the mountains with dirt bikes and ATV's, it seemed like we spent half our time under a blue tarp around a campfire. But oh, what fun it was. So, we spent the morning at home getting a few things done that needed to be, and went to visit our youngest son in the afternoon. I had made a crazy cake to take on our wiener roast so he got the cake. It is his favorite so I am sure there isn't much left.

Our strawberries are going crazy! We are having fresh strawberries every night. Fresh picked berries are so much better than the ones you get in the stores.

I have laundry on the line and since the sun is shining bright it is dry so better get it in.

Hope everyone is having a good day. Be back soon.


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