
Busy Easter

Raccoon in Garden

It has been a busy week and a tiring one. 

Our daughter in law was visiting friends in Mexico so could not attend our 60th Anniversary dinner. We missed her but it was a really nice dinner and it is always good when our kids can all be together. We had invited them for dinner but they wouldn't let us pay for it. My husband and I don't go out for dinners much. We do have quick lunches at time in town but that has even gotten fewer.

I do believe spring is actually here. The grass is green again and the lilacs have purple color to the buds now. The cherry trees are white with blooms. I love it. We got to sit out on the deck in the sunshine Sat. afternoon and that was great. 

But Saturday night was a bummer! About 8:30 my husband had an AFib attack. The medicines we have at home wouldn't get his heart back in rhythm so at midnight we left for the ER. The IV meds they gave him didn't work either so they had to do the electrical cardioversion, which resets the heartbeat with shock. And it took two of those this time. This is a very scary thing to go through and the more times they do it, the more times you are apt to go into AFib again. So now we have to get back to the Cardiologist and it is hard to get into their offices because they are so busy. The ER Dr. said to get him in this week but they couldn't get him in to see the Dr. this week so we will see the Nurse Practitioner. She is supposed to be very good so I am hoping....they have to change his meds. He gets very depressed after these things and they take a lot out of him. We got home from the ER at 5:00 AM, fell into bed and slept till 10:00. We had family Easter dinner at a grandson's home at noon. We were both exhausted so weren't a lot of fun! Watched the great grandkids hunt for Easter eggs in the lawn since it was a very beautiful spring day.

We are both still tired but he is out working on a car and a pick up he has in. I am going to insist he stop earlier today, though. I will use the "bitchy wife" voice!

Scary times we are having. All over the world, it sounds like. No one felt like the world was about to explode during the whole 8 years of President Obama. Some called him No Drama Obama. Wouldn't it be nice to have no drama again? When I turn the news on at 8:00 every morning I worry about what has been Twittered. I do not think political policy should be done on Twitter or Facebook or whatever! 

We just finished watching the best series on Netflix. It is called 13 Reasons. Every kid over 10 should be forced to watch it. It is about bullying. Like I said, it was a very well done series and made you feel so badly for some of the kids. I know it is a big topic anymore but it happens far too often. The main character in the series was a new girl in school. I know how that feels. I was the new girl at school quite often with our family moves. Kids don't realize how mean they are and how much it can affect the person they are mean to. Now with cell phones, internet, etc. it is much worse and once it is out there, everyone can see it. So if you have Netflix, I would suggest you watch it. 

I am going to see if I can get my dear husband in now, but I doubt if I have much luck. At lunch he said something about having to mow the lawn!

Have a good week, everyone.

Leopards Sunset

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