
Independence Day

Bright Fireworks in the Sky
Today is the last day of June and it is hard to believe. 2016 is half over. We have had some really hard things we have had to digest this year and I am wondering how the last half will be. I just wish people could get along and not try to push their beliefs onto others. I was listening to a talk show this morning and they were talking about the Boston Tea Party and it made me proud to be an American. We do stand up for our rights, no matter how hard people try to change those rights and take them away from us. We have a right to vote, to be in charge of our bodies, our properties and our lives. 

We are going to be inundated for the next 4 months with radio,TV, and internet garbage from all sides. I can only hope people will actually take a look at what people say they will do and what they can do. Our Independence depends on this. 

We haven't made any plans for the 4th of July itself because the weather is "iffy"! I don't want to plan on a picnic type day if it is going to be cold and rainy. They have a hard time of forecasting our weather up here in the northwest corner of the US. This week was supposed to be nice and warm. It has been sunny but not warm. Our oldest son and his wife are camped at a beach resort and we are going up there on Saturday so I am hoping it will be warm and not a cold breeze off the bay. Our daughter is coming on the 4th so I guess I shouldn't say we don't have any plans, should I? It won't be the 4th of July if we can't roast hot dogs, though.


Patriotic USA

I am going to sign off for today. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and if you are an American, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

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