
First Blue Jay!

Just saw the first blue jay of the season today. It is very warm outside, which I love, BUT it is beginning to feel like fall in the mornings. If you read my blog at all, you know I do not like winter so fall is the beginning of the bad! For me, anyway. I love the fall colors and have made many, many fall designs so that is about the only good part of it as far as I am concerned.

Footprints in the Sand

We had a big garage sale last week so got rid of years of "stuff" but ended up and had to take a pick up load to Value Village.The weather was in the 90's so we didn't have near as many customers as we usually would have. What a job, though! Going up into the attic and finding boxes of stuff I had put away, lots of sewing laces, fabric, etc. that I can't use anymore. So it was nostalgic but cleansing. Luckily our daughter-in-law was here the whole time and really helped out. I can always depend on her and have for many, many years. So I consider myself a lucky mother-in-law! Our son fell in love with her when he was in the 6th grade! No kidding! He came home from school and all he could talk about was the girl that broke her arm (I think it was!) at school.

I just realized that I like a dark Persona theme. I tried a lighter color design but with my old eyes it was too bright so went back to a dark one so am using Footprints in the Sun! 

It is hard to believe that school's are starting. I think they just closed, didn't they? Halloween stuff is out at the stores! Oh, my, much too soon.

Going to sign off for the week. Hope you all have a great week end and the forest fires can all get under control. I hate to see all that forest land burn up. It helps the environment to have those trees standing and not burnt to black dust. And the fire fighters need to be home with their families.

Sunflower Beauty

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