
To Iron or Not to Iron


I have a hard time deciding what to blog about because my life is not "that" exciting anymore, but I had to buy a new iron! Wow, that is the most exciting thing that has happened to me this week. But then I thought back 60+ years about ironing. Ironing back then for a housewife was a big deal. And it HAD to be done on Tuesday. You did your laundry in the old wringer washer on Mondays and when you took the clothes off the line half of the stuff had to be ironed. Pillow cases, handkerchief's, little girls dresses, work pants, kids pants and shirts, dishtowels and all of my clothes. So you had to use a sprinkler. That was usually a bottle of some sort with a sprinkler head on the top. Some of us didn't even have one of those, we put a pot with water on the table, put your hand into the pot and sprinkled it onto the clothing you had to iron. Then you rolled it up and put it in a bag with all the other items. So every Tuesday you got out the ironing board and your iron. No steam irons back then. (That is why you sprinkled the items) There was some Tuesday's I didn't get it all ironed because of having to bake bread, sick kids or some other unforeseen happening. If you left the sprinkled items in the bag very long, they would mold! So you had to get it done. 

Now we have these wonderful steam irons. Progress is wonderful! Now I am going to go use my beautiful new iron!

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