

Happy New Year to everyone that reads my silly little blog. I appreciate each and every one of you. Thanks for writing the wonderful reviews on my themes at Mozilla.

I am taking a little rest today from designing because I am upgrading my desktop computer to Windows 10! I really hadn't planned on doing that today but I thought I would at least download it and do it later like it says BUT after you get it downloaded it only gives you a few days to choose from to install it. I didn't want to do it over the week end, etc. so figured this morning was the best of the worst! I am just hoping all of my programs, etc. will work with it and it doesn't give me any problems. So I am typing with my fingers crossed!

We had a very nice, very quiet, warm, loving Christmas day.  All of our kids were here and my husband had picked up Papa Murphy's pizzas so I didn't have to cook. The kids all brought snacks so the table was full of snacks. We snacked until time for pizza. My oven is an older built in oven so not very big. The biggest pizza I can bake is a Large so we put one in, sat around the dining room table and ate that until the other one was done. We sat at the table for hours and just had the best time. I feel very thankful that our kids can come home and not have to drive very far. They all live within 10 or so miles from us. If that far!

It has been very chilly here but clear and beautiful. My husband went up to the mountains with one of our grandsons and 2 great grandsons yesterday. They roasted hot dogs and had a good time. 

I have been experimenting with new Crazy Cake recipes and made an orange one yesterday and I think it is one of the best. I didn't know how it would react when I added the orange juice instead of water and because the baking soda and vinegar had already started bubbling, when I added the orange juice (I guess because of the acidity) it really bubbled but I popped it in the oven and it was a success.

If you remember me writing that I was trying to make my own laundry pre-spray since I use so much on my husbands work pants. I make my own laundry detergent and save tons of money so thought I would give the pre-spray a try. And it does work very well and much, much cheaper than any you can buy. We didn't get any "raise" on our retirement this year so every penny counts. 

I just made a couple Star Wars The Force Awakens New Tab Themes for Brand Thunder to put on the Chrome Store. It is funny bcause I have never seen a Star Wars movie, nor do I want to. So when I made the theme for them I knew about Storm Troopers, BUT I didn't know they had changed them in the new movie so BT sent it back and asked me to use the "new" version! I honestly feel like a traitor to Mozilla by making themes for Chrome, since I don't use it and probably never will BUT I really like making them and Brand Thunder has been very good to me.

Well, my Windows 10 upgrade went really well. I was afraid a couple of my old programs might not work with it but they do. I worked on our family tree for quite a few years and had a Personal Ancestry File program that I used to document all the info and sinced that program was discontiuned I was afraid it might not work but it does. The one thing I don't like about Win 10 is it doesn't have the translucent appearance that Windows 7 has. Will have to do some research and see if there is a way of figuring that out. I also don't like the white bar at the very top of Firefox, either. So looks like I have some work to do.

We will have a quiet New Years Eve again this year. We used to go out and celebrate but now we are just glad to be home, warm and still alive!

Hope you all have a wonderful evening and New Year.

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