
Hard weekend

Sisterhood of Lions

Our weather is starting to warm up so it is going to rain! 

This past week end was a bit hard. Friday morning my husband came in from the shop and said his heart was acting up again. He was having an AFib attack. This is the fifth attack he has had in the past 4 years. I gave him his aspirin. He knew he had gotten out one of the pills he is supposed to take when he goes into these attacks but he couldn't remember if he took it or not. He couldn't find it so I was afraid to give him one in case he had taken the first one. When he started having pains in his chest I grabbed my "Go bag", handbag and keys and off we went to the ER. They gave him 3 IV doses of the medicine that hopefully puts his heart back in rhythm. After the 3rd dose it worked but his heart rate stayed very high and they called it something like A Flutter, (which I never heard of). But they couldn't let him leave with that heart rate so they decided to do a cardioversion (shock). That worked but it is a very scary thing to go through. They always want me to leave the room because it is pretty dramatic. They put him to sleep to do it and I always worry that he isn't coming out of it fast enough. But he did and we got to come home. It makes him depressed when he has these. He has always been such a strong, healthy man and he doesn't like being not so healthy. He is back at work today and I don't fight with him about that. He needs to work. I did get him to take it half way easy over the week end. Thank you, football playoff games! 

I mentioned my Go Bag. Well, when we go to the ER I never know how long we will be there so I take a bag with bars, lotion, toothbrush, paste, etc. A couple times we have been there for hours and hours waiting for blood tests, etc. So this bag is my security blanket.

My poor Hawks didn't make it any farther though, so they are done for the year. If it wasn't for all the injuries we would have made it to the Super Bowl. Hopefully next year!

I had to buy a new computer monitor for my PC in October. Last week I noticed the new one flickering a couple times every day and then Fri. night when I went to shut it down for the week end the screen was blank and I couldn't get it to come back on. So I restarted the computer and it wasn't blank when it came back on but I am sure something is wrong or it wouldn't have done that. I reconnected all the cords, etc. I ordered another one (different brand) to keep on hand because I know if it did it once, it is going to do it again. Costco is so good about returning something so I can always return the new one if this one doesn't misbehave again. I won't open the new one if I don't need it. 

Seems like we have had to spend a lot of money lately. Had to get the new TV and my husband had to get a new chair. And we are getting the new mattress. Part of it is here but the mechanical part is delayed in OR because of weather. 

Gonna get back to work. Have a good week. 

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