
Older and Downer!

Light in the Forest

 Well, I don't usually write on my blog when I am "down". but I am going to. 

Had my 77th birthday and it was a nice day and I guess you should celebrate that you are still alive! So that part I am but the aches and pains start to get to you after while. Neither my husband or I are sleeping very good so that doesn't help any. He never has that problem but I have. That is one of the worst parts of Fibromyalgia is not sleeping well, so I am used to it, but it is worse right now. He keeps on working every day, though. Seems like I am more tired in the morning than when I go to bed. I noticed this morning once I get on the exercise bike and get my blood moving I have more energy and feel better, BUT sometimes it is the last thing I want to do!

Our oldest great grandson had his first lacrosse game last Saturday. It was close to home so we got to see him play. He is a goalie and a very good one if I do say so myself. I had never watched a lacrosse game until last year and it is such a fun game to watch. I guess it makes it more fun when you are winning, though. Plus the rain held off and the sun was actually shining. He loves the game and may not play football next year. I love watching the football but worry about him playing. He has already had at least one concussion and that worries me.

Our daughter is finding out right this very minute if she will lose her job because of companies consolidation. This is the 2nd time she has gone through this in the past few years. It is going to be harder and harder for her to get a job because of her age.  And our oldest son is suffering with a pinched nerve in his neck and working through it. And our other son is working 7 10 hour days, too! Wouldn't it be nice to be rich and not have to worry about it? I have never wanted to be rich for me but would sure like to have a bunch of $$ sitting around to give our kids. 

I love working on the wallpapers and themes, but I have so many made right now I don't need to make anymore. I probably won't live long enough to submit all the ones I have right now. BUT I will still work on them because I do love to.

Now this week end we have to turn our clocks ahead so we will lose an hour of sleep! Oh great, I didn't lose enough during the week!

Can you believe all the politics for all of you in the good old USA? I have to admit I am a bit of a political junkie and have gotten worse over the past years. The older you get the more important it seems to be. I don't want to let politics get into the blog stuff, though. I might lose a few of the few that read this!

Guess I am just having a bad day so I will shut up and do something else. Sorry about the complaining and I promise I will be better next time. Anyway I sure hope so.

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