
Ennichisai Cosplay Plan

Hi! Hi! 

do you know about event ennichisai?? which was held in blok m jakarta??? 

yups... that's was one of the biggest japan matsuri in indonesia (jakarta)...
the event will held in 25-26 may?? yay.... i can't wait to go to the event..  

 since the event will take 2 days.. and maybe i attend both days.. so... this is my plan~~

first day i will cosplay as nyaruko ini yukata version.. which is appear in eps 07.... this one of romatic scene in the anime.. and i hope my bf  will cosplay as mahiro .. but he reject it...  huaaaa..... 

i always wanna go to japan matsuri and wearing yukata ( or cosplay in yukata) with my BF.. but...... 
*okay forget it

so,,, this is my progress for making the costume.. and i still have to make the obi and detailing the flower paniting.

preparing the material and tools  

sew~~ sew~~ sew~~

finishh yukata~

make the flower  pattern 

yay.. not finish yet... still have to detailing the flowers 

how can watch anime while i'm sewing... 

fiuh.... that's was my progress for the first day of ennichisai...

and this is my cosplay plan for the second day...

actually, this is my OLD costume from anime lucky star.... i was osplay as hiragi sisters with my cosplay partner rui...

my old cosplay... 

the costume 

and yay.. finish~~~ 

okay.. at the 2nd day.. i will cosplay as yumi from time quest or time travel tondokeman  an old anime from 1989...

pii diip pii dipp terbang~~ terbang~~~ teko ajaib~~~  

i maybe still a baby.... when this anime is produce... but at 199+,  it think some tv chanel played this anime.. maybe is indosiar??? or?? kinda forget...

also i was cosplaying b'cause rhea ask me to acommpany her.. and also i have a promise with her to cosplay as yumi and beside it i love the anime and yumi~~~ 

Thanks for visit my blog 

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