Maou maoyuu yuusha cosplay
do you know about manga / anime Maou Maoyuu Yuusha...
well, i will cosplay as maou ( demon queen) from maou maoyuu yuusha. A main chara from that anime.
I know this anime from my boyfriend .. every we meet, he have to copied anime for me. And one of them is this anime. So, I watched it. I was amazed with this character. i though she just a typical ojou-sama or something but not she was clever and smart. So, why not cosplaying as here. Moreover, we have the same physical appearence.. (Oppai and flabby arm )..
also i like the yuusha... He was tsundere type boy.. like my BF.. ( urgh)....
okay.. now let see the costume progress..
progress for the dress..
sleeves part...
note: for the sleeves because there plaid pattern detail. so i made 2 parts. 1 red (for the inside), 1 again black ( for the upside). also for the black part i cut a square pattern. Then, I glue the inside with double tape. actually it much better if i glue with a glue for fabric but. i forget to buy that. and all i have is double tape.(look the pict for detail)...well the reason i glue it is because, if it's sewing the thread will be seen.
yey... almost done!!!
trying the costume~~
well since the costume almost done. the next thing is trying the make up...
lastly.. i also made the horn headband. i made it from craft foam / eva foam. and paint it with acrylic paint then finish it with clear pylox.
actually this costume is already done. and i wear it to convention was held a month ago. but i just forget to write it in my blog..
so here some picture from my friends..
and i'm still waiting some pict from arka... (arka cepetan fotonya!!!) *ditabok
credit to Seno triadi
credit to Shigu
selca ~~
okay, that's it... i will post again some pict of my maou cosplay.. and if I managed to persuade my boyfriend to cosplay as yuusha..
aaawww..... i wanna have maou nendo~~~
Happy Cosplay
also forgive about my bad grammar
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