
Happy Halloween!!!!!

Firefox Quantum

A beautiful fall day here in the Pacific Northwest. 

I am so excited for our oldest great grandson. He is 12 1/2 going on 16! He and his Dad, our grandson are flying out of Seattle later today on their way to Florida for the IMG Fall Lacrosse Nationals. What an experience for him. The whole team, Time Bandits were able to go. They managed to get enough money to pay for the trip. And every boy on the team is able to go. I can imagine how thrilled and excited they are today...lots of butterflies, I imagine. I have butterflies and am not going anywhere!

I am still looking for extensions I can use for Firefox 57. So far I have quite a few yet to find. The new and improved FF is supposed to be two times faster and uses 30 % less memory so other programs you might be using won't slow down. Use Firefox Private Browsing to block ads with trackers for extra peace of mind… and pages that load up to 44 % faster. So it sounds wonderful and I have faith enough in Mozilla that what they say is true. I am not using the beta version because I didn't want to foul up my theme submissions, so I will be trying in on November 14th like most people. I am keeping my fingers crossed that the submission pages will not be effected. And there won't be any bugs!

Are you ready for the Halloween trick or treaters? It is so different than it was when our kids were young, in the late 50's. They would dress up in home made costumes that we would put together. Since we lived in the mountains we had to drive them around to neighbors, since our closest neighbor was over a half mile from our home. But the neighbors would all work on making home made cupcakes, cookies, candy, etc. Can you imagine that happening now? Your child can't even open a wrapped candy if it has a hole in it, etc. Our kids could stand out by the road to catch the school bus and I wouldn't worry or have to watch them till they got on the bus. It is sad that parents can't feel safe for their kids and have to watch out for all the dangers out there. It was a simpler time and I personally think it was a better time. 

Last night my hubby gave me a hug and said "We are growing old together." (we were both feeling a little stiff and achy) And we are, growing old together.  I am so happy that I found someone that I can grow old with, love and be loved by and feel safe. We got engaged 61 years ago this Christmas! Sounds like a long time but in my mind it dosen't seem that way. Seems like yesterday. I was thinking about my life and if I had it to do over, would I change anything. Maybe a few small things but nothing big. I am glad we had our kids when we were young so we could do things with them that we wouldn't have been able to if we were older. And we enjoyed doing things with the grandkids that we weren't able to with our grandparents. And now we are having fun with the great grandkids and being a part of their lives. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful, close family that we get to see often. 

I have been working on a book cover for an author and he seems to like the last layout I sent. I am hoping it will work out for him. If everything works out, I will post when his book is published. 

Time to work on lunch. Have a great week end and take care of yourselves. I will be close to my cell phone because our grandson is going to send out group texts when the lacrosse games are on. If they should go to the last two teams we can watch it on ESPN!

Have a Happy Halloween and don't eat the goodies!

Halloween Halloween

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