
♥ 60 Years ♥

Desert Rainbows

We just had our 60th wedding anniversary this week. Sounds like a long time, huh? Well, it has gone very fast and was a wonderful 60 years. The times have changed so much in that time. We were so young and healthy. With energy and full of life. Now we have gray hair and the energy is not so much anymore. And I worry every night about my very dear husband. His heart doesn't keep up with his body like he wishes. He still works too hard and can't seem to tell someone no when they bring an old dilapidated car in that won't run right. He works too hard and too long of hours. As the daylight gets longer each day, he want to be out working longer. That was the only good thing about winter was that he would come in sooner. Every night after we get in bed, I lean over and tell him I love him. I have done that for many, many years and will continue to do so.

I am still working on themes but not quite as hard as I was. I have enough Easter themes made for several more years. There will probably be files of themes and wallpapers left on my computer after I am long gone. I have to keep busy. You can only do so much cleaning in your house!

Every day the news gets worse it seems like. It would probably be best if we didn't listen to it but I have become such a newsy that I have it on all day and several hours during the evening. The man they call our president launched missiles into Syria last night. Good? Bad? Who knows? I feel for the Syrian people but I sure don't want to get into another war. 

I am afraid this latest news is going to take away from the investigation into our election. Everyone knows there was interference but I guess they have to figure out who knew what when. 

Our granddaughter leaves Gambia for home tomorrow. Will be glad when she is home safe and sound. I guess she has had a wonderful experience and I am anxious to hear all about it. 

It is hard to believe that Easter is next week. My Mom used to always have the big Easter dinner. I remember the last one she had was the year she passed away. She had cooked so many different dishes and had a houseful of people. But you could tell she was tired and said she thought it would be the last year she had the family Easter dinner. And sadly it was. It has been 15 years since she died and I still miss her.

I am going to sign off for this week. We are taking our kids out for dinner this week end and I am looking forward to that.  

I hope you all have a good week end. 

Reflection of Beauty

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