
Fibromyalgia Complaining!

Sunset in the Mountains

We are having a chilly summer day. Yesterday was cold and yukky, too. Not my kind of weather. 

So today is gonna be a hurting day! I have mentioned before that I have Fibromyalgia. I have had it for 35 years so it is like a friend that keeps hanging around and you don't really like. I had never heard of it nor had anyone that I knew, even most Doctors. The family Dr. we were going to sent me to rheumatologists and neurologists and no one knew what was wrong. I got cortisone shots in my elbows and knees and they helped for awhile, but I still had aches all over. Finally after 14 years we had to change our Doctor because we changed insurance. At first we were really upset but in the end it was a good thing. We started going to the Dr. that had delivered our son's twins and we loved him. He was probably one of the best Doctor's we have been to. I was in there for complaints about my neck because it was bothering me again. He said, "Wait just a minute and I will be right back." When he came back in, he handed me a pamphlet about Fibromyalgia. I read it and told him that I could have written it! I had been through it all. So there was finally a name to what I had. And it wasn't all in my head like I was afraid some people thought. The cold weather seems to make my body hurt more than usual. That is why I love summer weather...real summer weather, not what we are going to have all this week. I heard something over the week end about a test showing that Resvaritol helped Fibromyalgia as much as some of the prescriptions. So I got on Amazon and ordered a bottle. I will keep my fingers crossed but I have tried just about everything and really haven't found anything that actually helps. Exercise is one of the best things if you have Fibromyalgia. I am lucky that I have always exercised. You would think that if something hurt you shouldn't use it, but that is just wrong for me. I have had 2 knee surgeries from motocross accidents so my knees bother me a lot but riding the bicycle actually makes them feel better. Some days the last thing I want to do is climb on that bike but I know I feel better if I do, so I do!

I haven't been doing as many themes because I have so many made already but I have these ideas and want to use them so still do a few. I am trying to get more submitted. Another theme maker, RLC has complained that too many of my themes are featured and apparently he thinks I have something to do with that. I don't. I have no idea who all picks the featured and how they do it. 

We went and got a load of firewood Saturday. So we are preparing for next winter! My husband is splitting it today so it will dry and can be put in the wood shed. 

Gonna sign off for today. I hope you all have a good week. 

 Light on Orange Poppies

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