well hello there.....it's been awhile. i needed a little break!! i am so thankful for the holidays. it was the best 2 weeks ever and luckily my husband had it off so we just enjoyed being a family....

we made lots of cookies...apparently walker was not a fan of the reindeer headband i thought was festive....
we saw christmas lights....we attempted christmas crafts.....
we played lots w/ our christmas presents (and cleaned out lots of old toys...thank goodness for goodwill!!!)
we even got in on the action and played w/ the kids toys once they were asleep....might say 6 and up but this game rocks...especially w/ some vino :)
for new years the kids went and stayed w/ my parents and my dad surprised them with some little extras....a two hole golf course for walker b/c he got his first set of clubs for xmas....
and a mini look alike bed for tay's new american girl.....warren and i headed down to the beach to spend New Years with great friends....
and last but not least, i did manage to squeeze in a little charleston work....
kitchen's almost finished.....
and b/c charleston is 2 hrs away, we do a lot of texting photos back and forth....this one cracks me up...
but then i got happy when he sent me the front door :)
surely you aren't still hanging around (sorry that was so long)....that's the end of this official phone dump.....bring it 2013....we're ready :)
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