
Book Review: The Lemonade Hurricane - A Story of Mindfulness and Meditation

Author: Licia Morelli
Illustrator: Jennifer Morris
Interest Level: Ages 4 and Up

From the Book Jacket: Henry's life can get busy - sometimes too busy. When that happens, Henry gets wild, tearing around the house like a lemonade hurricane. But his big sister Emma has an idea. 

Maybe, just maybe, she can help her brother learn to be still. This charming story tells how mindfulness and meditation can help calm even a hurricane like Henry, and simple instructions in the back of the book show how you can do it, too!

The Book Trailer: 

Why It's On My Bookshelf: I have been teaching The Zones of Regulation and have been trying to find picture books to model the RED zone (when the body is out of control) and how kids can get back to the GREEN zone (when the body is in control). This is such a great story to help kids be aware of their physical energy and how to regulate it. What kids take away from the story is they can calm themselves by using the tool of deep breathing. In the book they show Henry and Emma meditating. We talked about how we can apply breathing to everyday situations in the classroom, cafeteria, playground etc. Kids might not exactly be able to sit down and meditate in the moment but then can still use the strategy of taking deep breaths. I also showed the video "Just Breathe". Such a successful lesson!

A Link to This Book and Others That Might Be Helpful:

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