
SciLink: Science Connected

SciLink™ is an online community with the goal of helping you to discover scientists, authors, and relationships.

SciLink's network of 106,264,967 relationships is built by mining scientific data that exist on the web. Our databases currently contain over 5.8 million scientists and 14 million articles.


Find, connect, and sharewith other scientists in the SciLink network.

43,368 Users and Growing (August 13 2998)

  • New approach to networking
    With over 104 million relationships mined from literature, SciLink already knows who you're connected to.

  • Share your knowledge
    Meet other scientists with common interests. Participate in group discussions and answer questions to help your colleagues.

  • Visit Our Job Board
    Find jobs and on our comprehensive job board.

  • Latest science news
    Keep up with scientific news and happenings from around the web, all in one place.



Private-Channel Professional Networking Platform Tailored to Needs of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Communities


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