
Research1 : YouTube + Facebook + You

Research1 is an online community that allows researchers to collaborate with peers, and share information and digital media with the general public. Research1, developed by ResearchChannel, allows geographically dispersed teams to work together from anywhere in the world and it provides an ideal outlet for researchers to fulfil their public outreach requirements.

Research1 will provide public access to government-funded research, even while it is in progress, direct interaction with and between experts at the leading edge of their respective disciplines and participation in a community that encourages and supports a level of discourse not commonly available to those outside of academia.

Primary functions

  • Serve as a premier outlet for researchers to fulfil their public outreach requirements
  • Foster interaction and communication between members of the public and researchers
  • Provide a collaborative platform to teams who could potentially be geographically (globally) dispersed
Key Benefits

  • Greater access to the fruits of governmentfunded research, even while it is in progress
  • Direct interaction with experts at the leading edge of their respective disciplines
  • Participation in a community that encourages and supports a level of discourse that is not commonly available to those outside of academia
How does it work?

Individual researchers or teams can establish a Research1 “Project Hub” for each research project. This public-facing webspace may contain up to 10 GB of text, photographs, audio and video that may be shared with the general public or act as a private collaboration space.

A simple set of Web-based tools are provided to create each Project Hub, upload and publish content, launch a blog to discuss ongoing work and facilitate interaction through project or discipline-specific email forums. Video files are automatically transcoded and thumbnailed for cross-platform viewing while maintaining the object in its original format for subsequent use.

What is AARNet doing?

Research 1 is currently in Beta testing. AARNet will use this period to determine a fit of the portal’s functionality to the needs and trends of Australian researchers for publicly disseminating research outcomes using digital media.

AARNet will use the outcomes of the beta testing and initial launch to determine how the portal can have regionalisation capability added as the portal populates over time. The primary focus is on using the portal as significant regional and international presence for Australian research.

The access to and use of this portal provides key opportunities for Australian researchers to both promote their own activities and view peer’s activities internationally.


See Also


About ResearchChannel


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