

WHAT? chemistry.org/exchange

WHERE? http://exchange.chemistry.org/

WHEN? December 2006

WHY? chemistry.org/exchange “is user-driven scientific content: [one] … can share, vote, and comment on articles and news among a global community. chemistry.org/exchange is a scientific community: create a profile, assign tags (keywords) to your account, and find and network with other registered users.”

chemistry.org/exchange is an article repository that allows registered users “… to start a library of scientific research that's important to … [them] --publications … [they’ve] authored, or articles that furthers … [their] research.”

chemistry.org/exchange was originally launched as BiotechExchange.org with the intent of providing “individuals [with] the opportunity to meet, dialogue, discuss, debate, and interact with other researchers and professionals involved in discovery and process development for the pharmaceutical and bio-based materials industries.” BiotechExchange.org sought to provide “ … a forum to share information, identify opportunities, and seek collaborations with fellow scientists and industry professionals.”
HOW? To use the full functionality of chemistry.org/exchange, individuals must be registered. Registration is free and requires only basic identification information; one need not be a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) to join.

As a resource for scientists, users are requested to submit only articles of interest to the community. Contributors should avoid submitting duplicate items by searching chemistry.org/exchange before submission. Submissions should include a link to the original item if possible; at minimum an abstract should be provided. A note on the significance of the submission should also be provided [ http://exchange.chemistry.org/cms/submit.php].

Non-registered and registered users can access the chemistry.org/exchangeMost Recent Articles’, ‘Featured Articles’, or the ‘Top Community Articles’ groupings, or by an ‘Article tag cloud’ (‘All’, ’46 hours’, ‘This week’, ‘This month’, ‘This year’). A basic listing of contributions in reverse chronological order option is also available as is access to contributions by rating over a variety of periods (i.e., ‘Top today’ , ‘Top last’, ‘7 days’, ‘Top last 30 days’ , ‘All by vote’, ‘All by date’).

Only registered users can vote or comment on a contribution, or access the membership directory.

A ‘Search’ box for free-text searching is available in the upper right-hand corner of the service’s homepage.

WHO? American Chemical Society (http://www.acs.org/)

CITE: Linda Wang, “ACS Launches Social Networking Site,” Chemical & Engineering News 84 no. 51 (December 18 2006). Available at: [http://pubs.acs.org/cen/news/84/i51/8451biotechexch.html]

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