
Firefox 57

Autumn Mist

Well, have you updated your Firefox? If so, how do you like it. I have it on my laptop and am trying to get used to it. It takes me much longer to test a theme when I am making one. So I haven't installed it in my desktop yet because of that. But I will soon, probably. Plus my laptop just installed the latest big Windows 10 1709 update and things have changed on that also....so I am getting used to that. Changes! I don't like change.

The user count isn't working at all with the technicians and developers trying to get everything updated and problems fixed. I know there must be a lot of new Firefox users, though because I am getting tons more reviews. I get an email when someone reviews a theme and I always try to reply to a review. So my email tone keeps beeping. But I am glad to have people using my themes. Makes it more worthwhile.

Our oldest great grandson went deer hunting with his great grandpa yesterday and they had a ball. And he spent the night with us.  He is taller than my husband now! Hard to believe he will be 13 early next year.  When he was born I didn't think I would live long enough to see him in his teen years...so I feel super lucky and grateful. Plus we have 4 other great grandkids we have got to know and love. 

 We got up early and I scrambled half a dozen eggs and made 5 waffles for the guys this morning because he had an lacrosse game. We got our shopping done early, too.  I knew town would be busy with shoppers the Sat. before Thanksgiving. This will be the smallest Thanksgiving dinner I have made and I know I will cook way too much. My recipes are all for too many people. 

I have found a few extensions that I really like for the new Firefox. InformEnter has been updated and I am very thankful for that. But he couldn't put all of the useful things into the new format so I really miss the right click and enter the info when I am submitting themes. I like Owl to make pages dark so they aren't so hard on my eyes. I also like Translate Now because a lot of the reviews aren't in English so I have to quickly translate and this is easy to use. One extension I wish and hope will be available is Tabs on the Bottom and so far that isn't available and the developer said he couldn't update it with the new format so I doubt if I get that one. I don't like the tabs up where they aren't as easy to see.  Of course you have to use Personas Plus to be able to change themes and your favorites are there and you can change the text color, etc. Another thing about  FF 57 I really like is you don't have to use the search bar, etc. All you have to to is type it in the space you would type a website and what every you searched for will come up. Plus you can get rid of the search bar and see more of your theme. Just click on Customize and pull the search bar down into the space. WaLa....no more search bar because you don't need it.  Let me know how you like the new Firefox!

Gonna get back to replying to some of the reviews. Have a great week end. 
Winter Finch

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