
Dawn of September

Sun Moon

We were blessed with wonderful weather again. We haven't had rain in a very long time. And the forest fires and brush fires are burning up acres of trees and grasses. We had gotten the smoke from Canadian forest fires for almost two weeks and now we are getting the smoke from Oregon fires and eastern Washington. The breeze is off the ocean today so should be blowing it to the east for a few days anyway.

We had such a fun week end. We rode down to Olympia with our daughter to visit her kids.  They had bought their first home. I couldn't believe how this house was made for their uses like someone designed it for them. Our granddaughter has a very successful preschool and she has rooms for that. Our grandson makes music with his computer & a bunch of other things...don't ask me how because that is beyond me. But he has his own room for that with soundproofing on the walls, etc. Then our grandson-in-law has a big shop with a room above the shop where he has a music room. He plays guitars and has a studio set up there. Really very, very cool. 

The first day we went to a wine tasting before we started pickling. Our granddaughter bought 70# of cucumbers so we could make dill pickles using my Grandmother's recipe that my Mom and I had used. It was so funny because the winery took a photo of the 3 of us with our wine and I texted it to one of our sons. He texted back and asked if were were pickling or getting pickled! It took us the rest of the day to get them all canned. But it was so much fun. This is our second year of pickling together and are hoping we can make it a family thing. I have to admit when we finally went to bed late that night my knees burnt so bad from the Fibromyalgia that I had a hard time sleeping. And on the way home I had charlie horses and the burning in my legs most of the way home. So that was the not so fun part. But such a good time that the pain will be forgotten!

I spent most of yesterday trying to find extension add-ons for Firefox that will work when the 57 version comes out. So many of my favorites won't work. I found a few that will work but have a long way to go. Luckily the developers have a few months to update their program. 

What is happening in Texas and the other states that are affected by Harvey is so sad. I can't imagine losing everything they own like so many have. Some even losing family members. My heart goes out to them.

I wish you all a great Labor Day weekend. Years ago we would be loading up the camper and dirt bikes and heading for Cle Elum to ride the trails and coal piles. Sitting around a big campfire with family and extended family members telling stories about the trails we rode that day. Oh, getting old is so much fun!

Autumn Morning Seenity


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