
All is Well!

Owl at the Beach

The weather is absolutely beautiful and I got good news from the Ophthalmologist this morning. My husband is feeling well also, so all is well in MaDonna Land!

I had the cataract in my right eye removed last week and can actually watch TV without glasses but will be glad when I am all healed up and can get new lenses in my glasses. The hardest part of this whole thing was managing my severe dry eye syndrome. I couldn't use any of the drops for that and each day got worse and worse. This morning I even tried to make myself cry so I cold get some moisture in my eyes, but after my appt. this morning he said I could start using my Xiidra and the moisture drops. He said he could actually see the dry spots on my right eye this morning.

Hope you all of you in the USA had a nice 4th of July and it wasn't too noisy. Ours was pretty quiet. Our daughter came over in the afternoon and we had some wine and quesadillas she had made. Later that day our youngest son rode his motorcycle over and brought us some of his fresh picked cherries. They are soooo good. We just sat around outside and enjoyed the weather. Got some reading done. The day before we went to our our oldest son's and sat out and had a really nice visit. We borrowed his metal detector because I lost my pocket angel. I have carried a "pocket angel" good luck charm in my right pocket for over 35 years and one day it was gone. I scoured the house and couldn't find it and the metal detector didn't find it either so I am hoping it will turn up in the house somewhere sometime.

It has been a little tough working on themes the past couple weeks with my eyes but I have managed to do my work...can't sit around doing nothing.

I must say I have really enjoyed the weather this week. I hate to see it change.

Our great grandson is in another lacrosse tournament this week end, so I am hoping we can get down to at least one of his games. There is no way either one of us could stand around all day, although I wish we could. He is the goalie and does such a good job. Proud Great Grandma talking!

Summer Rose Festival

Our President is out of the country for a few days. I wish he was a President that could make our country proud but I am totally embarrassed by him. Plus when he says something he has to keep repeating the statement~over & over & over~which is twice as embarrassing. 

Well, it is time to start dinner.

Hope you all have a great week end!

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