
Summer Coming!

Romantic Cats

I think Summer arrives tomorrow!

Hope you all had a nice Father's Day week end. We had a really nice one. Went to our son's camping site at Birch Bay for a lovely lunch and fun with grand kids and great grand kids. The 5 great grand kids got to go in the swimming pool and had a ball. Our oldest grandson jumped in and joined them! It was so neat to see the kids weren't afraid of the water at all, but then they have all taken swim lessons. The weather wasn't very warm but the water was and they had a ball.

Our youngest son and one of his sons (the one that built my computer)  came and installed all new LED lights in my husband's shop. So he has lots of lighting that will last a long time and cost a lot less!

Our week end weather was not good at all. Cold and yucky, especially Sunday. Today is supposed to be better but the TV weatherman says we are in for a cold spell! I thought we were already in one! I am so ready for some nice warm sunny weather that will last more than one or two days!

My cataract surgery was successful! Now I have to have the other eye done and then get new lenses for my glasses. I really couldn't tell for sure until last night and we were watching a movie on TV and I took my glasses off and shut my right eye and couldn't believe how much clearer the picture was in the eye that was done compared to the other eye. But with my glasses on the left eye is kind of fuzzy because the lens needs changed. I don't want to get it changed until after the other eye is done, though because I will have to be without them for about a week while they get the new lenses in and back to me.

Being on the computer now is really kind of hard because of this so I doubt if I will be working as much for the next couple weeks till everything is done and my new glasses are back.

If you read an earlier blog I mentioned our daughter's 19 year old cat and her failing health. She quit eating, etc. so she couldn't see Sam suffer anymore and had two women veterinarians come to her house and put her to sleep. Our daughter got to hold her through the whole thing. My husband had made a beautiful wooden coffin for Sam with her name and some flowers on it. When she called and said Sam was gone, her Dad was ready to go in and bury her so she can see Sam's grave from her kitchen window. We had two great grand kids here at the time so I had to try to explain what was happening. Kitty heaven and all that. They knew about kitty heaven because they have lost kittens but they couldn't understand how the body was going into the ground but the kitty was going to kitty heaven! So I tried to explain how the soul went to heaven but they didn't know what the soul was so I said it was her Inner Being. Our great grandaughter (almost 5) asked me what a NBG was! I didn't know what terms her parents had used so I was kind of lost. When I was telling their Mom about it, she said she had explained it as the spirit so now I know what to say if it every happens again.

Time to fix lunch so I will sign off for now and maybe work on a few 4th of July themes, if my eyes will let me.

Hope you all have a great week....


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