
Getting Prepared

Lily of the Valley Butterflies

Well, I am getting preparing for tomorrow's cataract surgery. The first one was successful so hope this one will go all right, too. You have to put two different kinds of eye drops in 4 times a day and it goes on for weeks so I have graphs taped up on the bathroom cabinet so I can mark off that I got the right drop put in the correct eye. You have to mark it down when you get as old as I am or you wouldn't remember which drop went in which eye. Oh, getting old is fun!

My husband isn't very happy about getting old, either. He has always been so active and is not doing a very good job of cutting back. The only good part of it is that we are doing it together. Last Thurs. after we got home from the hospital, he was sitting in a chair on the patio in the sun. Our oldest grandson dropped in to eat his lunch here before he went to a meeting & he said he knew something was wrong because Grandpa was sitting in a chair! He has been trying to get the field mowed and sitting on the tractor makes his back hurt so he didn't get a lot of sleep last night. At least tomorrow he will have to sit for awhile when he is waiting for me to be finished at the surgery center!

Wow, we had some really warm weather over the weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed it! I know it broke records, etc. but I loved the heat. 

Sea Worthy

I love eagles! As you can probably tell if you have looked at my themes. They are so majestic. I have been working on some 4th of July themes and love making them. I love our country so much but am just a bit dissatisfied with the way things are going right now. I would think the people that are elected to office would at least try to make decisions that are best for all the people. But they don't. They make their decisions to protect the people that put money into their PAC's. They are afraid of the Koch brothers and all of their money! 

I am in the process of submitting a theme I am very proud of, called Freedom for All. I also made a wallpaper to match and the link will be in the description of the theme. And I will post it here as soon as it is on line.

Time to check on my husband and see what to fix for dinner. Made him a peach pie yesterday and he is enjoying that.

Freedom For All

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