
Sunday Sunshining!

Freedom Ridge

I am feeling very patriotic this morning so I will preview my Freedom Ridge theme this morning. I hope all of you out there in Theme Land that live free in the good old United States are feeling patriotic also. I made this theme using the art of Carol Cavalaris again. I have to do a lot of editing in Photoshop to make something this small but I managed to do it justice, I hope.

100 days of Hell. That is what I call the last 101 days. I know I have PTSD. Pro Trump Stress Disorder. I am totally amazed that the people that believed his rhetoric and promises are still behind him. I guess they believe in letting corporations have the say so in how we live and breathe. The "poor little rich boy" guy has to have these silly revival meetings or whatever you want to call them to pat himself on the back and believe that the people he is supposed to represent (all of us) don't want clean air, clean water, national monuments, net neutrality and most important of all health care for our families. And most of all, no fear of war. I have 6 grandsons that would have to go fight his war and I don't want that. They would have to put the draft back in because the majority of young men out there have enough sense to not want to fight a war that no one wants.

Enough! I wasn't going to make this a political post but I saw that regal eagle and my blood started to boil. 

Although I think what started my blood boiling early on this beautiful Sunday morning was the telephone ringing. I would think that the majority of people would realize that not everyone gets up at 6:00 on Sunday morning. But there are people out there that don't. We try to sleep in on Sunday morning if possible. We are busy all week and at our age we should be able to without feeling guilty. But....this morning the phone rang. I wear ear plugs to bed so I can let it ring (if) I hear it at all. But my dear husband can't so right now he is out there putting brakes on a woman's car that couldn't wait until tomorrow. So that is why I am writing  on my blog on a Sunday morning. I don't turn the desktop on on week ends because if I do, I will work. I have Photoshop on the desktop and not the laptop. Mainly so I won't work on Sunday.

Enough! Taking a deep breath! 

Our daughter is helping her kids move into their first house this week end. I am so happy for them. They have been renting for years and saving their money and finally found a place that meets all their demands. Our granddaughter has an Early Learning Preschool in her home. It is very popular and she has a waiting list of families that want their children enrolled so the home had to be big enough to have a place for her preschool. I think she is planning on having everything ready for Tuesday's class. Wish we could have helped them but....

Our rhubarb is waist high already. I made some rhubarb sauce last week and will probably make a pie tomorrow. I use my Grandmother's rhubarb chiffon recipe and it is so good. Doesn't have a top crust so that cuts back on some of the work! 

Mozilla is doing something different with their themes. The Featured has gotten totally different and they are using a different way of the Up and Coming. It used to be the designs that were getting the most downloads and I haven't figured out how the system works now and I don't think anyone actually knows. It doesn't make sense really. But if they know how it works that is all that counts I guess. 

It is funny about the themes, though. I will work really hard on a design and be totally thrilled with how it turns out. Most of those are the cabins or animal themes.

Bear Hunt

This is one that I am talking. I was so happy with how the Bear Hunt turned out and have been using it. But the ones I like never get very popular. Apparently I have a totally different idea of what I want on my Firefox.  It is probably because of my 78 year old brain. It hasn't figured out what the young people like. I will continue to make my nature theme, anyway. 

Had my yearly check up this week and guess I am as healthy as a horse. Which is very good. I have to have a bone density scan in the next couple weeks. And will have a cataract removed in June. Will see how that goes before I decide to have the other eye done. Not looking forward to it, though.

Well, I am going to sign this off and call my "mechanic" in for coffee. I am hoping the sun stays out so we can sit out and enjoy the blooming lilacs this afternoon but I see clouds coming in so...probably not.

I hope you all have a wonderful week and the beginning of May.



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