
♥Happy Mothers Day♥

Charming Ladybug Chamomile

Thought I would take the time and wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you will be able to spend time with your Mother if she is still with you. If not, think about her! My Mom will certainly be on my mind.

Our weather has been pretty good this week except we woke up to rain this morning. Western Washington greens up so quickly in the spring. You can practically hear the grass grow. I got to hang out laundry yesterday for the first time this year. My daughter and I were talking about hanging out laundry and we both said we didn't see many clothes lines anymore. There are a few out in the County but in the City you sure don't see very many.

Our lilacs were just beautiful this year until we got up this morning and the rain just ruined them. 

The news has been exciting this week. I have to admit I am a newsy but usually only listen to talk radio during the day. But this week I have had the little TV on in my computer room all week. I am totally amazed with the actual lies that I hear. I wonder how people can sleep at night after all the lies they tell. And then I wonder how people that are still Trump voters can still stick up for him and think he is doing a good job. My gosh, they live under rocks! Seeing the pictures of the man that is supposed to be our president laughing and smiling with the Russians in the Oval Office actually made me want to puke! I guess he was having a good time with the guys that put him in that office. I just wonder how long he will be in office. And then I think the guy that will take his place isn't much better, if any. He is out there telling stories, too. Yes, I know I shouldn't be so political in this silly blog but my fingers type what my mind is thinking about. So sorry if I make anyone uncomfortable!

I am looking forward to Sunday. Have plans and just hope it isn't raining but the weatherman says it will!

My husband is doing pretty well and I am so happy about that. I have really been working hard at fixing meals that will help his blood pressure, etc. And it seems to be working.  My only problem is left overs! I cook for one because I just have a salad and most recipes are not for one.  Plus I ordered some Super Beets for him. They tell you it tastes good but it doesn't! 

It is actually time to start working on dinner so I will sign off now. I hope everyone is doing well and has a great Mother's Day.

Sunset on Mountain Lake


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