

Thomas Kinkade Collage

I just can't concentrate on work right now so thought I would write on the blog. 

I am stressed and can't do good work if I am, so quit for awhile. I am getting where I hate to watch the news because the more I hear, the more stress I have. Someone made the comment that they had PTSD and I certainly do, too. Post Trump Stress Disorder! Sounds like our health care will be no health if they pass the bill they are working on now. All of the people in power are million or billionaires so could care less about us little old people. Our taxes will be going up. He is determined to build a wall to keep workers out, but take money away from the Coast Guard and TSA  so terrorist can get in by air, sea or rail. He is cutting all of those items so he can build the wall! I am mad! I am mad at every person that voted for a 3rd party candidate, mad at everyone that left it blank because Bernie didn't get on the ballot, mad at everyone that left the President box blank! Plus Russia got this President elected! And people don't seem to really care! The late night comics make me laugh at least!

And my dear husband just doesn't feel good. He has been so healthy all of his life up until the last few years and hates not having the energy and health he was used to having. We went to the Dr. this morning so we shall see how he feels after taking some antibiotics.

Our 60th wedding anniversary is early next month and I had planned on getting our photo taken but neither one of us feel like it so doubt if we do. I thought we could use it as an obituary photo when needed. That is how stressed out I am. Thinking about obit pics! 

Got a message from a classmate about us working on a 60th class reunion for later this year. The place we had our last one burnt down a few weeks ago and that is sad. It was a great place for reunions, etc. 

Merlot Beauty

I am probably making everyone that reads this depressed so I will sign off and figure out something for dinner. Wish I liked to cook like I used to.

Hoping to be able to watch our oldest great grandson play lacrosse tomorrow. He is playing close to home this week so keeping my fingers crossed that my husband feels like going and it isn't pouring rain. 

Have a good week end!

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