Wind and Rain!
Sunset at the Beach
Weather! The east coast got it last week and now it is in our corner of the US. Rain and wind and more wind to come. Supposed to get up to 70 MPH gusts. I don't like it. But I guess it is better than earthquakes, hurricanes and typhoons. I am expecting the lights to go out any minute. I have a battery back up for my computers, router, etc. so it gives me at least 5 minutes to shut everything down without it crashing.
I think we got our new TV set up finally. Not the way I want it, but it is about as good as we are gonna get it. I haven't even tried to turn the DVD-Blue Ray player on yet. I am sure it will have to be all re-set but we don't watch it that much since we have Netflix on the TV now. We had to watch Netflix through the DVD player before. I tried the On Demand with the Comcast remote so the great grandkids could watch something different and they finally agreed on something, so I clicked OK! And then they asked if I wanted to buy it? No, I did not want to buy it, so we shut it off! Cheap Great Grandma!
Can you believe what is happening in our Presidential election? It is not very Presidential if you ask me, but what does this old Granny know about anything? I am afraid it doesn't make our country look very intelligent. I am at the point now I will just be glad when it is over.
Grandfather's House
The above theme reminds me so much of my Grandparent's farmhouse. It was a homestead that my Mother's family had owned since right after the Civil War when my great grandparents loaded up and traveled from Illinois to Iowa in a covered wagon. He was a carpenters mate on the USS Cairo during the War so he built a small house. They lived in that for awhile until later when they built the big house as the family grew. My Mother was born in the big house. I think the house is gone now but I don't know for sure. I know my cousin's sold it when there weren't any son's that wanted to farm. It really made me sad when I heard it was sold. I really felt like a part of me was gone. That happens all through a person's life. Little parts keep falling away. New parts are added but we still miss the ones that are gone.
I hope you all have a wonderful week end and I hope your weather is better than ours. Have a good one!
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