Losing September
Fall Forest Refuge
Two more days and September will be over. Wow, is all I can say! We had a fairly nice September but not as good as last year's as far as weather goes.
Did you watch the first Presidential Debate? Sounds like at least 84 million people did. I have to admit I really enjoyed it. And am looking forward to the next one.
Our old TV started acting up again last week. It didn't want to come on and the red light for the lamp kept coming on. Sometimes it took me a half hour to get it up and running, so we finally decided we were going to have to finally break down and buy a new one so we went to Costco (only place we will purchase electronic items) and couldn't find a parking place so we came home and I ordered it on line. When I told my husband we weren't going to get it for 10 days, he said to go ahead and buy the replacement lamp. We had to replace it several years ago. It was $248 from Sony and Amazon had it for $34. So I ordered it again and it was only $22.00 this time! We got it in 2 days, had the lamp in in 10 minutes and we had TV! We couldn't believe how bright it was. We knew it was getting darker and darker but when it happens so gradually you don't realize how bad it really is!
Then we had to go to the Comcast store and get a box! It is totally ridiculous that you can't just plug the cable into the TV and get a picture. Our old TV had a cable card and it was a one time charge of $15 and that was it. The man at Comcast said we wouldn't have to pay extra each month for the box, BUT we shall see. We told him we weren't going to have a new tv set for awhile as we hadn't even looked yet. No problem, he said, "When you hook it up, call this number and they will activate it." But when we turned the old set on that night, it said we weren't authorized! He had unauthorized the cable card, so I had to call and get it reactivated. So I am wondering about that monthly fee.
The new TV is out for delivery right now but I don't think it will get here so I will have enough time to get everything set up. So I have that to look forward to tomorrow.
Then our hot water heater started acting up. Actually it has been for awhile but my husband always fixes everything and for the last 6 months I have complained every once in awhile because the water wasn't hot enough when I washed my hair, etc. It is strange because sometimes it is nice and hot and then if I don't use a lot of water that day, it won't stay hot. So, he finally called the people who installed it and they are supposed to come out and look at it. If we have to replace it I think we will go back to electric because we can install that, plus they are much cheaper than the propane.
They say everything happens in threes so I wonder what will break next!
Jack and Black Cats
I have been working on some Halloween themes and they are so much fun to make. It seems a long time before Halloween but a lot of people collect a file of their favorite holiday designs so I don't want to put them all on at one time. I try to gradually submit them.
Our 3 year old great grandson is staying with us this Sat. night. He has never stayed overnight but I am sure he will be find. He is such a fun little guy and we enjoy him so much. Makes you feel happy to be around a 3 year old.
Well I better get back to work. Everyone have a great week end and Go Hawks!
I am just hoping that Wilson's knee and ankle hold up!
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