Hurray! I think we will live!
Blossoms of Spring
We are finally feeling better! This was a 2 week virus or something. I don't think it was the flu. I don't know if it is because we are "old" but this was one of the worse bugs we have had. We had it at the same time so not much got done. Neither one of us wanted to eat so there wasn't any cooking. And what we did eat, didn't have any taste. The worse part for me was trying to stay warm. I was freezing all the time. We thought we were well enough to go grocery shopping Saturday because we hadn't been anywhere for 2 weeks. But as soon as we got in the store, my husband was pushing the cart and I had a hold of it and I think the only reason we stayed upright was because the cart was holding us up. I was honestly afraid either one of us would just collapse. And then we both got up Sunday feeling worse so we shouldn't have gone in. But Monday we started to feel better and we notice each day is better.
The lilacs are all bloomed out and prettier than they have ever been, I think. The bushes are 50 years old and probably need to be pruned but they outdid themselves this year. I just wish they would last longer when you cut them to have in your house. But they smell so good.
Our oldest grandson called me the other night and asked if I would answer a bunch of questions for his school project. So I worked on that all day yesterday and had such a good time bringing back a lot of memories of my youth. One of the questions was what were my favorite TV programs when I was his age. Well, we didn't have TV and didn't even have electricity or running water when I was 11. I was very honored that he asked me to do this.
Mystery of Stonehenge
The Stonehenge theme I made several years ago and all of a sudden it got popular. There are over 15,000 users right now. Stonehenge and it's mystery always fascinated me.
Blue Butterfly in Grass
I am going to get back to work. I wonder if you noticed the new interface on the Mozilla site. I can't decide if I like it yet or not!
Have a great week
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