
Happy Birthday Mom

Today my Mom would have been 99 had she lived. I am missing her more today than usual, but I know she is with my Dad and happy. Not sick anymore, either.

My grandmother gave me an album when I was 7 with pictures of my Mom, mostly of her childhood. This is a photo of my Mom on her way to church.

I found this poem on line and shared it with my brother and sister today.
 God Took Her To His Loving Home

God saw her getting tired, a cure was not to be.
He wrapped her in his loving arms and whispered ‘Come with me.’
She suffered much in silence, her spirit did not bend.
She faced her pain with courage, until the very end.
She tried so hard to stay with us but her fight was not in vain,
God took her to His loving home and freed her from the pain. 
I don't know who the author was but is sounds they like went through what we went through with Mom.

Cross of Lights 

We got to have our 3 year old great grandaughter for 2 nights and 3 days this week end. Her parents got a much deserved rest from their three little ones, from 2 to 5 years old.  It is kind of neat that they can share their 3 with both sets of Grandparents and we get one! So no one gets over tired. It has been over 30 years since we had a little girl in our house so we had a ball. I couldn't believe how good she was about taking naps and going to bed. She would sing herself to sleep and when she woke up in the morning instead of fussing or crying, she stayed in bed, talked to herself and sang songs. So we had a good week end and her parents had a good week end.

I have a Keurig coffee maker that we got for our anniversary about 6 or 7 years ago and I love it, but....my husband keeps having to resurrect it. It stops working so I descale it, call Keurig and try everything, then I set it outside. My husband works on it and it starts working for a month or so, then goes through the same thing. But it does something different each time. When it is time for coffee I get very frustrated with it if it doesn't work so a month ago I bought a jar of Trader Joe's instant coffee because it is really the best I have tasted. So I would have it just in case....and it happened again this morning. When my husband came in for lunch he said he had it working again! So it will be coming back into the house. And work for a week or two...I can only hope. They are very expensive and I read the reviews on the newer ones and they aren't very good.

Brand Thunder ordered some more Chrome themes so I have enough to keep me busy this week. 

Have a great week and I will get back soon.

Good Morning Sunshine

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