
Batman Theme

I hope everyone had a super week end. We certainly did.

Friday night we got to see two of our great grandsons at our son's home. Shared pizza and blueberry buckle our daughter-in-law had made. And of course she sent us home with a plate full of cake. Was so good and we pigged out on it! Was good to see the boys. They don't live as close to us as I wish they did, so we don't get to see them as often as we would like. Saturday we did our shopping. We hadn't gone shopping the week end before because of the 4th so we were out of a lot of fresh things. Sunday was cooler so I got a lot of work done I had let go. Then our daughter came out in the afternoon with a plate of yummy sandwiches she had made. It had warmed up by then so got to sit out on the deck.

I see Brand Thunder has one of my Batman themes on line now.

Batman Tribute by MaDonna
If you use Chrome, hope you like it and you can use it for the other browsers also. I had fun making some of the designs I have made for Brand Thunder because they take me out of my comfort zone. 
Right now I am making some Minion Firefox Themes and they are so much fun because they are so darn cute. I have never watched one of the movies and probably never will because I am not into animations but I love working with the cute little guys. 

 Minions in a Row

Dancing Minions
Well, I need to get back to work and hope you all have a good week. 

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